SENCO     Sustainable Environment Consultants




bulletParticipated in annual monitoring and evaluation of environmental programme in Bulgaria 
bulletAssessed ultrafine particle emission from 45 vehicles for Swedish National Road Administration
bulletUpdated power station  emissions and extended power station database


bullet SENCO participated in a workshop on air quality in Dubai, 16-19 October 2000.
bullet SENCO has updated its large point source emission database for The Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain.
bullet SENCO has completed its study of the implications of sulphur in road road transport fuels for the UK Department of Trade and Industry.
bullet SENCO has completed a study comparing the emissions from small diesel generators with large generators on the system for Wessex Water.


bullet  The passwords on the principal Auto Oil II materials produced by SENCO have been removed. See Auto Oil II


bullet The report on European energy scenarios is now available for downloading. See Energy
bullet The 1997 study on the Effect of ACEA Agreement on Noxious Emissions for European Commission (DGXI) is available to certain interested parties. 


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Last modified: September 29, 2004