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Environmental management projects

Workshop of EU Road Transport Emissions Legislation Baltic Environment Forum Advise on the content of the workshop, and a series of presentations on the implementation of EU legislation on automotive emissions in the Baltic States. 1999 Claire Holman
Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001 Vehicle Certification Agency Review of VCA's certification of the motor industry to the international environmental management  standard ISP 14001. 1998-99 Claire Holman
Certification of environmental management systems Vehicle Certification Agency Providing indepedent advice on environmental issues for VCA's certification of the motor industry to ISO 14001 and EMAS . 1996-now Claire Holman
Environmental investment guide Statoil, the Norwegian state-owned oil company Preparation a guide for line managers on how to incorporate environmental projects into their annual budgetary cycle.   Michael Nevin
Environmental review LEEL, Lothian Regional Council,. For Edinburgh District Council and the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce. Environmental Review of Edinburgh, which included the preparation of an inventory of environmental initiatives, actions and policies, surveys of key stakeholders, and a benchmarking analysis.   Michael Nevin


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