SENCO Sustainable Environment Consultants




Download information

Files for download were built with a virus checker in operation, but users must take responsibility for their own system integrity.

Most downloads are in Microsoft Office formats unless otherwise stated.

  • Documents are in Microsoft Word (doc), Rich Text Format (rtf) or Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)Spreadsheets are in Microsoft Excel (xls)Presentations are in Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
  • Databases are in Microsoft Access (mdb)

Many files are ZIPped.

It may be best to save them to disk rather than opening them straight away. This may be done in Internet Explorer by right clicking on link to file and "Save target as ...". It may also be best to save files to your local PC's hard disk (saving to the server disk has caused problems for some), and then open them.

Videos are presented in a number of different formats, and some may not run on a particular computers if particular software is not available.

Contact   for passwords if required; or if you would like a different file format; or if you have any problems or comments.



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