SENCO Sustainable Environment Consultants



Economics projects

A common aim is to achieve environmental goals at least cost. The methodology for this is to first collate the costs and effects of different improvement measures, and then find the combination of those measures which reaches goals at least cost using optimisation techniques. SENCO has carried out several projects in transport and energy using this methodology.


Economic Methodology for Japan Clean Air Programme Nisseki Technology, Japanese Clean Air Programme Development of an economic methodology for possible use in the Japan Clean Air Programme. 1999 Mark Barrett
Externalities of electricity production  Joint Environmental Programme (National Power, Eastern Electricity) Reviewed and assessed energy and electricity externalities in Europe with especial reference to the ExternE programme of the Commission. 1998 Mark Barrett
Cost effectiveness of inspection and maintenance programmes European Commission (DGIII) An analysis of the cost of potential I/M programmes. Part of the Auto Oil I Programme's cost effectiveness study. 1994-95 Claire Holman
Auto Oil I: cost effectiveness study European Commission (DG III, DG XI) A study of the cost-effectiveness of different vehicle, fuel, maintenance and city measures to reduce emissions from road vehicles to achieve higher air quality standards. An emission and cost optimisation model TransOpt was developed and applied. 1993 - 1995 Mark Barrett
Cost effectiveness of potential automotive technologies European Commission (DGIII) An analysis of the cost of vehicle technologies. Part of the European  Auto Oil I Programme's cost effectiveness study. 1994-95 Claire Holman
Acid emission  abatement costs in Europe Stockholm Environment Institute. Developed technique for estimating the cost of acid emission control.  This was applied to Europe and western CIS countries.  1992 Mark Barrett
The Relative Economics of the Hinkley C PWR and Coal Coalfield Communities Campaign The relative economics of the proposed Hinkley C PWR and  coal fuelled power stations. 1988 Mark Barrett
Coal and nuclear power costs Coalition of Opposing Local Authorities. Study of comparative costs of nuclear and coal generation of electricity. 1988 Mark Barrett



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