SENCO Sustainable Environment Consultants



Energy and the environment


Energy use and supply are major sources of atmospheric pollutants that degrade air quality, cause acidification and global warming. Energy also engenders other impacts including nuclear risks, solid wastes, water consumption and loss of visual amenity. In most European countries the emissions of most toxic and acidic pollutants from energy will continue to decline because of regulation and switching away from coal. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions from energy are not subject to tight regulation. Switching to natural gas and renewables may reduce growth in greenhouse gas emissions, but a substantial effort in energy efficiency is required to limit greenhouse gas emissions. It is not possible to accomodate unlimited growth in sectors such as aviation and control greenhouse gas emissions with known low-risk cost-effective technologies.

SENCO has worked extensively on most sectors of energy demand and supply.

A sustainable energy scenario for the UK is under development and may be found here. This scenario is constructed with end-use sector models and supply models described elsewhere on this site.

Energy models

SENCO has several energy models, designed for different applications.

The SEEScen model is for generating society, energy and environment scenarios over future years on a country by country basis. Downloadable video.

The EneTrade model is used to optimise energy trade flows between countries. Downloadable video.

The EneSpaceTime model addresses the question of how to integrate energy demands and renewable energy resources that vary geographically and with time. Downloadable video. A component of this model, VarInt, integrates variable demands and renewable electricity sources and finds the optimum, least cost combination. A demonstration of its application to the UK may be found here.

The EneCO2UKToyModel is a toy model designed to demonstrate some of the issues and assumptions relating to the reduction of CO2 in the UK. Video and model may be downloaded.

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